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Eno’s Journey

Bio: Eno is a 29-year-old Ghanaian woman. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, watching beautiful sunrises and sunsets and writing/sharing stories about candid moments. She has been inspired by the truth that God seeks an intimate relationship with humans. Before coming to the saving knowledge of Christ, she had thought that Christian living was cold and lifeless. Looking on from the sidelines, she imagined it was filled with heartless tradition and senseless worship. Yet, that name Jesus stood out. It was everywhere! It was so close yet so far, the louder the sound of the name got, the farther she went. Today, she is passionate about spreading the truth about love. She is motivated by this one thing: “We love because He first loved us” 1 John 4:19. What she thought was cold and lifeless has turned out to be alive, kicking, and steadfast. Thanks to Christ, she can move, breathe and have her being rooted and grounded in love.


Despite growing up Christian and always hearing about Jesus, it never registered that He desired a personal relationship. Coming to that truth in 2019 answered questions that drew me away from God. I remember doubting God’s credibility at the age of 15. I had put my trust in an authority figure who I thought was an answered prayer. After being led out of that situation, I was uninterested in God. I had trust issues, especially with God.

 I perceived Christianity as shallow and began questioning certain principles and things I had noticed about the lifestyle such as “why and how Jesus was the only way to God?” “Why would God do this and say that?” “Why do Christians think we’re the best in the world?” “Isn’t the Bible man-written and full of opinionated errors?”. I also found it irritating how some sermons about God sounded harsh, judgmental, and complex.

After graduating college, I became desperate about where my future was heading. I was clueless, yet there was a burning desire for power and control. I wanted at least one part of my life to be stable, so I made desperate decisions. This was the thought I harbored “If I couldn’t enjoy some money and a secure future, I was surely not going to miss out on enjoying my youth”. This thought led me to make a series of poor decisions. While facing the consequences of my decisions, I was disappointed over a particular plan for my future.

The feelings of disappointment pushed me to embrace a change of mindset, I began searching for purpose- the reason I was created. In searching for purpose, I was focused on my spiritual and mental health hoping that a sound mind would lead me to being on a better path. My curious mind ushered me into searching for the beauty in other religions (I was annoyed by Christianity), while adopting the world view “every religion connects to God through different ways”.

With this adopted view, I began experimenting with new-age beliefs aiming at personal transformation, energy healing, astrology, card readings, etc. I found comfort in these philosophies and thought I could fulfill my spiritual, mental, and emotional life. In getting deeper into these things, two constant questions plagued my heart and mind, they were 1. “If Jesus is not all people say He is, why do they still talk about Him even when they are suffering?” 2. “Why are people still converting to Christianity on a large scale?” During the period I paid attention to these questions, I was inspired to get a Bible and consistently read even though I did not understand a thing. I was also convicted to attend church again, but still held on to those beliefs in my heart, I wasn’t obeying the word, and my mind was still drawn toward the concept of ‘interfaith’ (where all religions at the end lead to one God), it hadn’t sunk in that Jesus was my savior and was the son of God indeed.

I remember researching one day about how religion plays a role in mental health because I didn’t think it did. To date, I cannot logically explain how I ended up on a website that led me to scriptures where the Holy Spirit called me out for being prideful & having corrupted wisdom, being lukewarm, and being at the risk of experiencing eternal death.

He shed light on the fact that I was working up myself to be my god. I wanted so badly to see Christianity in a different light than what I thought society had made it to be (demanding and shallow).  I wanted it to be comfortable for me with the beliefs I held on to. He also directed me to scriptures that emphasized Christ being the only way to God and Christ being the son of God!

 For the first time, it all made sense. It felt like my heart had eyes and I had seen the truth. It felt familiar and my heart was convinced that it was home. Here’s the plot twist though; I did not accept Christ that day. I was stuck in shame and embarrassment that all the philosophies I was leaning toward were wrong, I felt empty and ashamed that I had to start from scratch in my spiritual, mental, and emotional journey.

On December 28th  2019, I wrote in my journal and titled it ’25 & Alive’. I’ll share what I wrote:

“On this day, my birthday… I’ve accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal savior. I spent some time trying to have a self-dependent spirit but God revealed to me the consequences of that. Today, I’m 25 and blessed. Alive in Christ. Alive in my spirit. Born of the tree of life. Willing and ready to serve through the Heart and Eyes of God and Jesus.

It was painful to know that I had been walking in darkness that seemed like light. Not gonna lie, it helped me up to a point but God knew to save me before things got out of hand. Now I can experience Him fully. I can experience Jesus Christ as I should, as God intended it to be.

It’s not going to be an easy road to travel but I can do all things through Christ’s strength. I can be bright in God’s love and shine it to His people through His word and in His world.

Lord take my hand on this journey. I need you, I cannot do it on my own. I need you. I am nothing without you Jesus”.

It was no coincidence that earlier that year, I was feeling like something was about to change. It was a strong feeling that the age 25, would be remarkable.

That night, I had just returned from spending the day with my brother and cousin. I was engulfed with peace and a satisfaction I had never experienced. My heart was filled with gratitude and in that calm and quiet there was an inner voice that prompted me saying “It is time”. I knew it was time to accept Jesus.

I look back and there are many events and circumstances that I can think about that bring to life this scripture:

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose– Romans 8:28.

I could go on and on about how God had his hand over my life while I was uninterested in  anything that concerned Him but I’ll end with this:

While I was still a sinner, Christ dies for me. This is how God demonstrated His love for me. – Romans 5:8

I always say this: there are a lot of areas in my life I am still uncertain about, but I will always be sure that the decision I made to believe and follow Christ is the best one. Now I truly understand why people used to say, “God is good” and genuinely meant. God is good! I mean it, taste and see that He is good. – Psalm 34:8

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